Thursday, July 5, 2018


First baked good in new apartment - cheesecake. Went from a consistent electric oven to a gas stove and range. Was worried I'd need to work on gauging my oven temperature, but was pleasantly surprised that my cheesecake came out spot on. Super creamy texture. 

I've discovered I like graham cracker crusts as long as they stay crunchy. So I basically double the butter and sugar any recipe calls for and bake the hell out of it in the oven until it looks nearly burnt. Then it stays crispy.

4 bricks of cream cheese
2 cups of sugar (1/2 per brick)
4 eggs (1 egg per brick)
splash of vanilla extract
hearty blop or two of sour cream

Bake at 325F until it looks giggly in the center but not too giggly. 

The hardest part is waiting until it's cold to eat. 

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